most of them Muslims.On Saturday

NEW DELHI: Thousands of people welcomed India’s next prime minister in the capital on Saturday after he led his party to a resounding election victory, with Narendra Modi flashing a victory sign to his supporters and telling them that the win “has created a new confidence among people.”Results announced Friday from the weekslong polls showed that Modi and the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party had won the most decisive election victory India has seen in three decades, sweeping the long-dominant Congress party from power.On Saturday, Modi was greeted by roaring crowds outside the BJP’s headquarters in the heart of New Delhi,SINGAPORE, where he met with the party’s leadership to discuss forming a new government.The headquarters were festooned with garlands made of marigold flowers and multicolored balloons. Supporters blew conch shells. As Modi walked toward the office, he was showered with rose petals.In a country where elections usually result in cacophony rather than a single roar, Modi pulled off a mandate of staggering proportions,, leaving him unfettered to pursue the agenda of economic revival and development that propelled him to victory.What remains to be seen is how quickly Modi, who has ruled the western state of Gujarat since 2001, can match the enormous expectations he has created in an electorate that is hungry for change.“One might envy Narendra Modi his awesome electoral victory yesterday. But the challenges he faces as India’s 17th prime minister are scarcely enviable,,” Mohan Guruswamy, an economist long associated with the BJP,louis vuitton outlet,the impersonation of another site user, wrote in The Citizen,gen12432,gucci outlet, an online journal.For most of the past two years, Modi, 63,the notion that people deserve a fresh start is not a radical concept, has worked relentlessly to market himself as the one leader capable of waking this nation of 1.2 billion from its economic slumber,, while trying to shake off allegations that he looked the other way amid communal riots in his home state in 2002 that killed 1,,000 people,inadequate communication and the public mistreatment of colleagues.",, most of them Muslims.On Saturday, as thousands of people cheered and danced in the streets to welcome him to the capital,, it was clear that Modi had managed to win the confidence of a large number of Indians.Modi and the BJP wiped out a Congress Party that had dominated Indian politics for all but a decade since the country gained freedom from British rule in 1947.The final tally showed that the BJP had won 282 seats and Congress just 44 in the 543-strong Lok Sabha, or lower house of Parliament — meaning Modi will be able to form a government without the support of smaller parties.The last time any single party won a majority in India was in 1984,may be published or distributed in print,christian louboutin outlet, when the Congress Party swept more than 400 seats following the assassination of then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.But 30 years later, India is in the midst of rapid socio-economic change. About 13 million young people are entering the job market each year,louis vuitton outlet online, but not enough jobs are being created in an economy that has slowed down to below 5 percent in the last two years. Prices of food have spiraled, as has unemployment.For voters,tory burch shoes, the priorities in this election were no longer bound by old traditional religious and caste allegiances. Instead,louboutin outlet, jobs and development were their main priority, and after having promised them that, Modi’s real challenge lies ahead.

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